Friday, September 9, 2011


The 7th and last element of design is value. Value means the tone or lightness/ darkness of an object. Images that use light and dark shapes to create drama.


The 6th element of design is colour. The colour element is all about finding the hue in a image. look in the image that emphasize a single colour. In this image look for the blue hue.


The 5th element of design is Texture. Texture element is the surface quality of a shape. texture images are usaly images that shows rough, smooth, glossy, or gooey objects.


The fourth element of design is size. the element of size shows the realationship of the space occupied between. In this image you should look for the image that contains objects to big to fit inside the frame or deliberately tiny inside.


The Thrid Element of design is space. The space element is made up from a 2D flat and/or 3D deep which means the hight and the width and/or the hight width and depth. In this Image you are looking for Images that create the illusion of perspective or extrem flatness.

Shape Elements

The second element of design is shape. The shape element is a self contained area or organic form. In this image you should be looking for the positive and neagtive space, which are the dark steps mixed with the crisp blue and white skye. Also look for the closed and open spaces.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


The First element of design is lines. The definition of "lines" is the edge created where two shapes meet. Look for the pathways that lead the eye, which in this case it leads your eye to the island from from the cloud. The pathway of the eyes in this picture is the lighting.